Case Study: Brand | pluto tv

TV the Way it was Meant to Be.

With a bold new logo driving its brand refresh, pluto tv partnered with Canyon Design to produce a comprehensive outdoor campaign timed for the Super Bowl. In collaboration with Canyon, I had the opportunity to develop a range of playful copy-driven ads featured in OOH media across major cities from train wraps to billboards to Pluto headquarters in Times Square.

You are free to stream around the universe. As the leading free ad-supported streamer, Pluto TV is FAST at its finest. The message not just that it’s free, but it’s always zilch, zero, nada, free — 100% of the time, in all of the places to watch all of the things.

Full Stream Ahead!

Next Stop: Free TV & Movies

This message was beamed across the solar system from malls to subways to elevators to billboards.

The Elevator Pitch

In celebration of Pluto’s 10th Anniversary we created a birthday campaign to be installed at the Manhattan headquarters in Times Square. The following pieces were placed on the elevator doors to get the party started.

The Super Bowl

To build on the iconic Super Bowl Couch Potato Pluto TV commercial seen by millions, we created a series of outdoor ads that aligned seamlessly with the theme of the globally viewed ad.

Client: Canyon Design | Brand: Pluto TV
Assignment: Brand Refresh Outdoor Campaign | 10th Anniversary Campaign
Copy: David Saltzman

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